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Music is a universal art. It speaks to the whole individual, in every state of mind, at every age, whether emotional or intellectual: there is no emotion, no state that cannot be expressed and experienced through music.
That is why music is a basic need, a fundamental right, and not a luxury - at the same time, it is the richest, most beautiful and most important luxury that civilisation has produced! For civilisation explains and justifies itself not only by the fact that it always wants, must and can achieve more than what is absolutely necessary, but also by the fact that everything achieved becomes necessary.
The Klangakzente e.V. association would like to support and promote this fundamental musical philosophy. On the one hand, by organising concerts that convey the music to the audience as directly as possible, and on the other hand, by supporting young musicians in their development and work in order to carry this existential understanding of art into the next generation of active musicians.
Our events are open to interested listeners at any time, be it at a concert of the International Summer Academy or the Ettal Classical Summer Festival, or during lessons at the master classes.
We look forward to welcoming you to our Academy concerts as well!
The Klangakzente e.V. association stands for cultural and musical experiences. We have set ourselves the goal of enriching cultural diversity and actively promoting the preservation of classical music.
To achieve this goal, we have been organising the International Summer Academy at Ettal Monastery since 2017. We are able to offer a variety of master classes in front of the impressive backdrop of the Benedictine monastery and the Ammergau Alps, and promote young musicians here during an intensive period of work with our professors.
In addition, we have established the Ettal Classical Music Summer Festival.
Through the many top-class concerts with internationally renowned musicians and promising young talents, we make an important cultural contribution even outside the major musical centres.
Artistic Director Concert Series
Managing Director
Managing Director
Artistic Director Summer Academy